*&%!#@! I’ve just been freakin’ mauled! By Hera. She just sliced up my face, around my eye, down my nose.

Well, this causes Hera to leap up next to me in a mad panic and climb directly up and over me to escape and run away, cutting open my face in the process and leaving me shocked and bloody. Luckily she missed my eyes. I’ve got cuts across my eyelid and under my eye, a small cut near my ear and a long gash down my nose. So now I’m propped up in bed waiting for my wounds to clot up a bit after rinsing them out. I guess I’m going to have to bandage it up to avoid getting blood on my pillow in the night. These wounds are going to look great for days….
Geez Louise, Hera!!!
Here’s the offending ten seconds of video that I think freaked Hera out. I don’t suggest projecting it up on a wall, larger than life, if your own kitties are nearby: