Yay, Fan Mail!

— On 9/15/04 11:31 AM, space aliens may have forced Gordon to write:

 Hi Chris!

Just wanted to thank you for the great game and the memories that went along with it…my friends and I loved this game.

Just out of curiosity…why did you never make any other games? Your game albeit looking somewhat like Ultima very original in many ways (animated characters and other touches).  Have you made any shareware or hobby games since then?

Thanks in advance!


Hi Gordon,

Thanks for writing and I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it.

I never wrote another game because I’ve been doing other software engineering full time since college (on FileMaker Pro 1.0-7.0) and I’m just not motivated to spend that much more time on the computer than I already do outside of work!  (As you can see, I can’t even keep up on my personal email!)

The only shareware I did was a module for Now Software’s “Now Fun!” title, but what I did was just a utility to customize the colors on the old Macintosh System 8 — I think, or was it 7?!  Anyway, that’s all.  FileMaker keeps me pretty busy!

Thanks again,


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