Backpacking to Evolution Valley


This is a video montage from a backpacking trip over the 4th of July weekend to Evolution Valley in Kings Canyon National Park, starting from Florence Lake – with Corey, Hoan, Huy, Jason and Brendon.

(re-edited down to 13+ minutes in August of 2020, 205 MB download)

Trail Map between Florence Lake and Evolution Valley (Kings Canyon NP)


To the Summit of Mt. Whitney

Kamay invited me to join her with Patty and Billy on a backpacking trip to summit Mt. Whitney.  And here it is, from Mt. Whitney looking down into Owens Valley and the town of Lone Pine from 14,495 feet:

That’s the highest point in the lower forty-eight states, thank you very much!
Hey, plus six feet to my eye-level…


And that’s a marmot, of course!