Finally got to experience a proper run-through of the team-based, submarine hunt “Captain Sonar” as part of our full day of gaming at Charles’ place with Mark, Jon, Roland, RC, Steve and Stefan. It was tense and it was a blast!
Roland’s follow-up:
- Space Cadets: Dice Duel was total mayhem. Charles, I let you down as captain!
- “Oh, is that a Category 5?” Yah, Stefan, go ahead and take that. Category 5 is such a solid filler game.
- Sushi Go Party was good, but not sure about how good it really is with 8 players.
- Steampunk Rally… much mayhem. Pretty sure I avoided DFL, but not by that much! I had a great time despite Christopher feeling isolated. :P
- Captain Sonar was as good as advertised. We got to see Charles snap as Captain. Dunno about the other sub, but on ours Mark did a tremendous jobs as Radio Operator. Jon and Stefan were a fantastic engineering/first mate duo.
- SpaceTeam. Yah… Sure, we cheated a bit (picking up cards and showing them to ask for tools), but we did eventually win! In celebration of our victory, I put together a video. Truly, it was my pleasure…