Glenn’s 45th Birthday

My brother, Glenn, decided to run 45 miles over the week of his birthday, starting with a half-marathon and culminating with the final five miles to an eatery in downtown Portland specializing in fresh-baked pies.  (Mmmm… pies….)

He made this commitment before he came down with a bronchial infection or knew that he’d have some nasty windy and rainy weather to run through during the week. However, with the aid of a mélange of drugs and the hesitant okay from his doctor, he ran the miles anyway and some of us joined him for his final five miles… and pie!!

Here’s his take on the experience

Click through below for my pictures:


We also happened to catch the Portland Lighted Christmas Ship Parade on Sunday night:

“A Life More Extraordinary”

My sister-in-law, Michele, started a blog recently about her adventures with my brother, Glenn, and their success at turning around their health and lifestyle and getting to do more of what they want to be able to do.

Michele has always been really great at writing very entertaining stories and it shows here too!  Check it out, it’s both fun and inspirational: A Life More Extraordinary