Burning Man

Pictures from my first Burning Man experience! 

So what is Burning Man? Oh geez.  Well… it’s this massive yearly gathering in the high desert north of Reno, Nevada. It’s a festival of art and creativity, of community and self-expression. It’s a temporary city where commerce is not permitted, giving is widespread and people meet each other through their participation in the event.  It’s definitely an experience.

The event runs a full week but FileMaker’s Developer Conference always seems to coincide with it. So this year I decided to at least taste a few days of it. Bonnie and the rest of her burning clan were kind enough to let me join them at their camp, “Heaven a la Cart”.

Click through for my image galleries:


Pumpkin Ride

The proper way to gather pumpkins for the season… on your mountain bike and in costume!  Here’s the deal. Starting from the upper Purisma Creek parking lot (on Skyline), you ride in costume down a mix of single-track, fire roads, and paved roads to a pumpkin farm near Half Moon Bay.  You select your choice of pumpkins, pack’em up, and then haul yourself and your pumpkin load back up to the top. Prizes are awarded in various categories including most weight (pumpkin that is) and best costume.

This ride is just one of many activities organized through ROMP — check it out!

Click through for the full gallery: