“MSFS Immersive” Game Link Profile Documentation

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This profile makes use of three custom inputs I added to the Game Link MSFS plugins: roll_dynamic, pitch_dynamic and yaw_dynamic.  You can see the code for these plugins on GitHub. (They make use of some math functions that are not currently available in Game Link.)

negative positive
MSFS x axis (lateral) left right
MSFS y axis (vertical) down up
MSFS z axis (longitudinal) backward forward
Yaw 3 Motion rig pitch up, roll right pitch down, roll left
Here’s the MSFS SDK Documentation on the variables used here.


Input: roll_dynamic OR accelerationBodyXOutput: ROLL

Simulates sideways forces based on lateral acceleration. The roll_dynamic version (“Coordinated” profile) uses the turn_coordinator_ball variable to dampen acceleration data to simulate how coordinated forces are balanced laterally and directed down into the seat in a real aircraft.  In other words, the motion rig will not tilt to one side or the other when the turn is coordinated but only backwards to simulate the increased force down into the seat. However, the raw accelerationBodyX version (“Raw” profile) ignores this effect and treats all lateral forces as uncoordinated: the motion rig will always tilt into the turn.

Since this doesn’t use the aircraft’s roll attitude as its input, we get nice side benefits like feeling side-slips, cross-winds, turbulence, rough landings, etc. – anything that’ll come through in acceleration telemetry. However, I think this is somewhat dampened in the roll_dynamic version for now.

Keep in mind that this is based on acceleration which is a measure of change in velocity over time. We feel change in velocity (including direction), not constant velocity. As long as an acceleration is ongoing, you can feel it and the profile will simulate that by maintaining the tilt.

Input: rotaitonAccelerationBodyZOutput: ROLL

Adds initial sideways sensation of initiating a change in roll attitude. Helps things feel more responsive.

Input: pitch_dynamicOutput: PITCH

Used to simulate how downward gravity force shifts front-to-back with pitch attitude and is reduced with bank angle. (This custom variable is based on trigonometry instead of raw pitch angle.)

Input: accelerationBodyYOutput: PITCH

Used to simulate positive and negative G’s from body-relative vertical acceleration – tilting back for positive, forward for negative. This applies regardless of orientation: in turns, climbs, dives, etc. Since this doesn’t use pitch attitude for its input, you’ll get nice side benefits like feeling turbulence, rough landings, stalls, etc. – anything that’ll come through in acceleration telemetry.  I’ve kept this separate from pitch_dynamic to allow for easier relative scaling adjustments.

Remember that this is acceleration data which reflects ongoing change in velocity, not constant velocity.  This means that it tilts back or forward only as long as you’re increasing or decreasing your climb or descent rate — it will ease off when your climb or descent rate turns constant.  Or it’ll pitch the opposite direction as you start to reverse a dive or climb — even while the aircraft is still pitched up or down.  Again, this is simulating the forces felt, not the orientation of the aircraft.

Input: accelerationBodyZ Output: PITCH

Used to simulate forward/backward acceleration — tilting back for forward acceleration. As with all acceleration data, this is reflecting changes in velocity, not constant velocity.  This means that it tilts back or forward only as long as you’re increasing or decreasing velocity.

Input: yaw_dynamicOutput: YAW via INCREMENT

Used to simulate rotation about the body-relative vertical axis (yaw). This custom input variable tries to scale the magnitude of the motion based on the size of the aircraft and how far you would be from the center of rotation. There’s no length telemetry in MSFS so it uses the totalWeightYawMOI data as a rough substitute. It uses Game Link’s INCREMENT type to rotate by increments rather than moving to a specific position. If you have a yaw limit set, Game Link will stop moving in that direction but it will still allow movement in the opposite direction.

Input: rotationVelocityBodyYOutput: YAW via INCREMENT

Used to simulate turning motions while on ground only. Tests for being both on ground and not a helicopter to avoid double rotation.

Input: rotationVelocityBodyYOutput: YAW via INCREMENT

Used to simulate turning motions while in a helicopter, regardless of on ground or not.  (Kept separate from the above to allow for independent scaling.)

Input: Constant OutputOutput: HZ

Set to allow vibration effects to trigger up to 50 times per second. Whether a vibration occurs at any given moment depends on what input is sent to AMP. Turning this off will disable all vibration effects.

There’s an upper limit to how quickly the Yaw 3 can vibrate. It feels like it tops out somewhere under 100 Hz.

Input: engine_rpm_1/2/3/4 & engineCount Output: AMP

Simulates engine vibrations for piston engines only (more rough).

Input: engine_rpm_1/2/3/4 & engineCountOutput: AMP

Simulates engine vibrations for all non-piston engines only (more smooth).

Input: contactPointCompression0/1/2 Output: AMP

Simulates ground surface vibrations on up to three contact points (like nose gear, left & right gear) and it’s scaled up by velocity.

Input: contactPointCompression5/4/3Output: AMP

Applies only to aircraft models with mis-numbered contact points (eg, Cessna 172): same as above, simulates ground surface vibrations on up to three contact points.


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